Thursday 30 December 2010

New Year's Resolution

I have been a bit lax of late with updating the blog, I have no excuse, but rest assured that my New Year's Resolution will be to be a better blogger. It's not for lack of things to blog about, there's been much going on in the bug house of late. Moving has seen the bug house move into our new flat, and there is "technically" a new bug. I say technically because Curly is not exactly new or mine, but she now lives next door to Dorothy so "technically" new.

So as you can see, Curly is another tarantula, a Honduran curly hair (Brachypelma albopilosum) to be specific. She's the little one on the right, the incredibly dashing fellow on the left... Well, you can guess. Curly's around 7 years old and is possibly the most relaxed spider on the entire planet. If you've never held a tarantula before, then Curly is the best one to lose your spider v-plates to.

Other more sad news is that unfortunately Eric is no longer with us, poor little fellow. I have to say that I'm not really sure as to the exact cause of his demise. He's stopped using one of his claws for several months and was becoming increasingly poorly co-ordinated and found eating difficult. I had thought that a moult might be on its way, but searching online forums brought no definite answers. I have replaced him with a very feisty, and possibly gravid female, who has been named Erica in his honour. Look out for the future baby scorpion post!

Also been having an interesting time adjusting the heating of the bug house, but I think I will save talking about that post until a later date... For now, happy new year everyone! Here's to that New Year's Resolution...

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